Holy Thursday, April 18th

Come and worship on this Holy night, 7 p.m., April 18. The night on which our Lord was betrayed by one of his own. We remember that when he prayed at the Rock of Agony, the sweat that fell from his brow was like great drops of blood.We will share in the gift of Holy...

Palm Sunday, April 14th

Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter is a time to celebrate what Jesus is about to do for us. He rode into the Holy City of Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. He entered the Temple Courts, chased out thethieves and the Money Changers. He knew what would happen to him...
The Season of Lent

The Season of Lent

Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. The forty days represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of Satan and preparing to begin his ministry. Lent is a time of...
From the Pastor’s Pen

From the Pastor’s Pen

As I sit down to write this article, I can see the snow cover out of my window. Many of us, including myself, have grumbled about all the snow. I certainly did my share of grumbling when we had to cancel our worship service, February 24. I also grumbled when I would...
Do You Have Rocks?

Do You Have Rocks?

We are talking about real, God made rocks. Go find a rock or two about 4 1⁄2” and put a little note on them and then hide them. No name, no church name, just the note on a rock. When you have yours done, we will have a blessing of the rocks praying for the person who...
From the Pastor’s Pen

From the Pastor’s Pen

As I write this letter we have been struggling with a signal issue on one of our television sets. We have tried unplugging it from the box and then plugging it back it. So far, there still is no signal. It occurs to me that as Christians we sometimes feel like our...
New Member

New Member

We welcome Dr. Roger Fisher into the membership of Lakeview Church. Roger is a dentist, has been very active in volunteer work and a long history with Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

Merry Christmas

Rather than my usual Pastor’s message, Maggie and I want to take this time, as we celebrate our fourth Christmas with you to wish you a most blessed Christmas and a joyous New Year 2019. Over the past four and a half years we have laughed together, cried together and...

Christmas Food Baskets

Jesus said to Hisdisciples, “You give them something to eat”. Lakeview will again be offering Christmas food baskets to individuals and families who do not have enough. This is a BIG project so we need your help. Talk to Bev, Pastor Ray or any member of the Outreach...