As I began to think about my column this month many thoughts went through my mind. I had thought I would perhaps write a typical Thanksgiving message.
In a way, that’s what I am doing. I am thankful for the Great Commission that Christ gave the Church. If you would like to read that Commission it is found in Matthew 28:16-20 where Jesus said, “Go and make disciples.”
But, how exactly do we do tha?. First, we love one another as He
has loved us. Second, we must Go and Share.
How did Jesus make so many converts? He was humble, he fed the hungry and offered forgiveness. I would also suggest that the church needs to GO and TELL.
A contemporary Christian song begins this way, “I’m NOBODY trying to tell EVERYBODY about SOMEONE who saved my soul.
That’s the Church… and tell. Who have I told lately about the Good News of Jesus Christ? Not nearly as many as I should. But the showing is different.
Can others see Jesus through us? Through my words and actions? If not, that simply means we are flawed children of God. It means we are real.
As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving can others see Jesus in us? Do we put our faith out there for everyone to see or do we hide it under a bushel, as the song says.
The challenge of the Church is to tell others about SOMEBODY (Jesus) who
loves ALL of us so much He thought we were to die for. Jesus started with a
crew of fishermen who weren’t very religious. So will you be a fisher for Christ?